This little girl was 10 feet underground in a rough dug well in a dried out river.

Human Rights Issues Ignored in the Resource-Rich DRC

The true costs of Western privilege.

Human Rights Issues Ignored in the Resource-Rich DRC

The true costs of Western privilege.

Despite being the second-largest country in Africa and being endowed with rich natural resources, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) faces significant challenges. It is unfortunately one of the poorest countries in the world, with an average annual income of only $449 US dollars.

This stark contrast between the country's abundant resources and its poverty is deeply troubling. The DRC is home to valuable minerals such as coltan, cobalt, and gold, which are essential components in the production of smartphones, tablets, and other high-end technology. Western countries, particularly those in Europe and North America, often benefit from the exploitation of these natural resources.

The demand for these minerals is driven by profit, and the consequences are devastating. The conditions in which many children in the DRC work are deplorable. They are often forced into dangerous labor, working in mines where accidents are frequent and safety regulations are ignored. These children are denied their basic rights to education and a safe childhood, all in the pursuit of satisfying our desire for the latest gadgets.